Presentaciones en congresos

  • Congreso Cono-SurAmericano de Cirugía Plástica. Buenos Aires, Noviembre 1995
    Técnica simplificada de septoplastia radical
    0. Villafañe, V. Venkataramakrishnan, P. Stanley.
  • British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons. Londres, Diciembre 1996
    Endoscopically assisted breast reconstruction
    V. Venkataramakrishnan, S. Southern, N. Hart, 0. Villafañe, P. O'Hare.
  • 14th Congress International Microsurgical Societies
    4th Congress European Federation of Societies for Microsurgery. Corfu 1998
    0. Villafañe, S. Southern, V. Venkataramakrishnan.
  • British Association of Plastic Surgeons. Winter meeting (en asociación con The Plastic Surgery Educational Foundation of U.S.A.) Londres 1998
    Video-microsurgery. A future alternative to the operating microscope?
    S. Southern, S. Venkataramakrishnan, 0. Villafañe, D. Sharpe.
  • British Association of Plastic Surgeons. Winter meeting (en asociación con The Plastic Surgery Educational Foundation of U.S.A.) Londres 1998
    Surgical simulators; their role in surgical training
    S. Southern, 0. Villafañe, S. Venkataramakrishnan, D. Sharpe.
  • British Association of Plastic Surgeons. Summer meeting. Essex, Julio 1998
    Soft tissue endoscopy; basic principles, techniques and muscle flap harvest
    S. Southern, V. Venkataramakrishnan, 0. Villafañe.
  • British Breast Group meeting, Julio 1998
    Nipple reconstruction using Twin flap
    0. Villafañe, V. Venkataramakrishnan, S. Southern.
  • Congreso Escocés-Irlandés de Cirugía Plástica. Edimburgo, Noviembre 1998
    Nipple reconstruction. Twin flap
    0. Villafañe, S. Southern, V. Venkataramakrishnan, D. Sharpe.
  • British Burn Association. Congreso anual. East Grinstead, Abril 1999
    Aesthetic skin donor sites for burn contracture release
    0. Shelley, 0. Villafañe, S. Watson.
  • Congreso Escocés-Irlandés de Cirugía Plástica. Canniesburn, Octubre 1999
    Scarpa's fascia free flap
    0. Villafañe, S. Southern, V. Ramakrishnan.
  • Congreso Escocés-Irlandés de Cirugía Plástica. Canniesburn, Octubre 1999
    Video-microsurgery: a new tool
    0. Villafañe, S. Southern, V. Ramakrishnan.
  • Congreso Escocés-Irlandés de Cirugía Plástica. Canniesburn. Octubre 1999
    Endoscopy in Plastic Surgery
    B. Ashoor, 0. Villafañe, I. Taggart.
  • British Association of Plastic Surgeons. Winter meeting. Londres, Diciembre 1999
    Cephalometric planning of mandibular reconstruction
    0. Villafañe, D. Dunaway.
  • British Association of Plastic Surgeons. Winter meeting. Londres, Diciembre 1999
    Deep inferior epigastric adipofascial flap-Scarpa fascia flap II
    V. Ramakrishnan, S. Southern, 0. Villafañe.
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