About Dr. Villafañe
Dr. Óscar Villafañe graduated as a doctor in the University of Navarra. In the same University gained post-graduated degrees such as Doctorando in Surgery.
During nine years he trained in foreign hospitals and specialized in Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery. He developed his training covering all branches of the specialty in NHS Plastic Surgery Units such as:
Kingston General Hospital (Hull, UK)
Bradford Royal Infirmary (Bradford, UK)
Royal Edinburgh Hospital ( Edinburgh, UK)
Canniesburn Hospital (Glasgow, UK)
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital (Taiwan)
He achieved the Membership in the Royal College of Surgeons (Glasgow, UK) and has been holding positions such as Director of Microsurgery in the Plastic Surgery Ibero-Latino-American Federation (FILACP).
Dr. Óscar Villafañe has participated in numerous training courses.
Dr. Óscar Villafañe has published numerous scientific articles in the most relevant journals of Plastic Surgery. [+]
Publications in specialized journals
- British Journal of Plastic Surgery
"Breast reduction and carcinoma in situ"
0. Villafañe, P. Stanley, V. Venkataramakrishnan. 1996, Vol. 49, No 7, 499
- British Journal of Plastic Surgery
"Endoscopically assisted latissimus dorsi harvest and prosthetic placement:
an attempt to reduce complications"
V. Venkataramakrishnan, S. Southern, 0. Villafañe. 1997, Vol. 50, No 3, 219
- British Journal of Plastic Surgery
"Video Micro-Surgery. A substitute for the operating microscope?"
V. Venkataramakrishnan, 0. Villafañe, S. Southern. 1997, Vol. 50, No 4, 294
- Annals of Plastic Surgery
"Twin flap technique for reconstruction of nipple"
V. Venkataramakrishnan, D. Mohan, 0. Villafañe, A. Krishna. 1997, Vol. 39, No 3, 241
- Injury
"Lower limb salvage using parts of the contralateral amputated leg"
S. Southern, N. Hart, F. Nieuwoudt, 0. Villafañe. 1997, Vol. 28, No 7, 477-479
- British Journal of Plastic Surgery
"Deep inferior epigastric adipofascial flap - Scarpa"
V. Venkataramakrishnan, F. Trinei, F. Nahai, L. Thornton, S. Southern, 0. Villafañe.
- British Journal of Plastic Surgery
"Perforator based V-Y advancement flaps in the leg"
V. Venkataramakrishnan, D. Mohan, 0. Villafañe. 1998, Vol. 51, No 6, 431-435
- Microsurgery
0. Villafañe, S. Southern, V. Venkataramakrishnan. 1998, Vol. 18, No 8
- British Journal of Plastic Surgery
"Skin model local. Flaps for the trainee"
0. Villafañe, S. Southem, I. Foo. 1999, Vol. 52, No 3, 214 v
- British Journal of Intensive Care
"Skin necrosis caused by pulsimeter probe"
J. Davison, 0. Villafañe. July 2000, Vol. 10, No 4
- British Journal of Plastic Surgery
"Minimizing blood loss in reduction mammoplasty by local infiltration"
0. Villafañe, S. O'Sullivan, V. Venkataramakrishnan. 1999, Vol. 52, No 5, 421
- British Journal of Plastic Surgery
"Superfial epigastric vein, a lifeboat for TRAM/DIEP flaps"
0. Villafañe, D. Gahankari, M. Webster. 1999, Vol. 52, No 7, 599
- British Journal of Plastic Surgery
"Successful partial ear replantation after prolonged ischaemia time"
0. Shelley, 0. Villafañe, S. Watson. 2000, Vol. 53, No 1, 76
- Bulletin of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
"Plastic and Reconstructive Unit. Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan"
0. Villafañe. Vol. 29, No 2, Sept 2000
- Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
"Endoscopic transaxillary subglandular breast augmentation with silicone"
0. Villafañe, E. García-Tutor, I. Taggart. 2000, Vol. 24, 212-15
- Microsurgery
"Video-microsurgery early experience with an alternative op. magnif. system"
S. Southern, V. Venkataramakrishnan, 0. Villafañe. 2001, Vol. 21(2) 63-9
- British Journal of Plastic Surgery
"Use of sup. inf. epigastric vein as an interpositional vein graft in pedicled TRAM"
O. Villafañe, L. Yap, Y. Wilson. 2001, Vol. 54, No 7
- Quirón Medicina y Cirugía
"Heridas faciales: cómo conseguir el mejor resultado"
O. Villafañe. 2002, II-1: 69-70
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Dr. Óscar Villafañe has participated in numerous meetings, national and internationally. [+]
Presentations in learned societies
- Congreso Cono-SurAmericano de Cirugía Plástica. Buenos Aires, Noviembre 1995
"Técnica simplificada de septoplastia radical"
0. Villafañe, V. Venkataramakrishnan, P. Stanley.
- British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons. Londres, Diciembre 1996
"Endoscopically assisted breast reconstruction"
V. Venkataramakrishnan, S. Southern, N. Hart, 0. Villafañe, P. O'Hare.
- 14th Congress International Microsurgical Societies
4th Congress European Federation of Societies for Microsurgery. Corfu 1998
0. Villafañe, S. Southern, V. Venkataramakrishnan.
- British Association of Plastic Surgeons. Winter meeting (en asociación con
The Plastic Surgery Educational Foundation of U.S.A.) Londres 1998
"Video-microsurgery. A future alternative to the operating microscope?"
S. Southern, S. Venkataramakrishnan, 0. Villafañe, D. Sharpe.
- British Association of Plastic Surgeons. Winter meeting (en asociación con
The Plastic Surgery Educational Foundation of U.S.A.) Londres 1998
"Surgical simulators; their role in surgical training"
S. Southern, 0. Villafañe, S. Venkataramakrishnan, D. Sharpe.
- British Association of Plastic Surgeons. Summer meeting. Essex, Julio 1998
"Soft tissue endoscopy; basic principles, techniques and muscle flap harvest"
S. Southern, V. Venkataramakrishnan, 0. Villafañe.
- British Breast Group meeting, Julio 1998
"Nipple reconstruction using Twin flap"
0. Villafañe, V. Venkataramakrishnan, S. Southern.
- Congreso Escocés-Irlandés de Cirugía Plástica. Edimburgo, Noviembre 1998
"Nipple reconstruction. Twin flap"
0. Villafañe, S. Southern, V. Venkataramakrishnan, D. Sharpe.
- British Burn Association. Congreso anual. East Grinstead, Abril 1999
"Aesthetic skin donor sites for burn contracture release"
0. Shelley, 0. Villafañe, S. Watson.
- Congreso Escocés-Irlandés de Cirugía Plástica. Canniesburn, Octubre 1999
"Scarpa's fascia free flap"
0. Villafañe, S. Southern, V. Ramakrishnan.
- Congreso Escocés-Irlandés de Cirugía Plástica. Canniesburn, Octubre 1999
"Video-microsurgery: a new tool"
0. Villafañe, S. Southern, V. Ramakrishnan.
- Congreso Escocés-Irlandés de Cirugía Plástica. Canniesburn. Octubre 1999
"Endoscopy in Plastic Surgery"
B. Ashoor, 0. Villafañe, I. Taggart.
- British Association of Plastic Surgeons. Winter meeting. Londres, Diciembre 1999
"Cephalometric planning of mandibular reconstruction"
0. Villafañe, D. Dunaway.
- British Association of Plastic Surgeons. Winter meeting. Londres, Diciembre 1999
"Deep inferior epigastric adipofascial flap-Scarpa fascia flap II"
V. Ramakrishnan, S. Southern, 0. Villafañe.
Presentations in learned societies
- 34º Congreso Nacional Español de Cirugía Plástica. Marbella 1999
"Video-microcirugía, una posible alternativa al microscopio"
0. Villafañe, S. Southern, V. Ramakrishnan.
- 34º Congreso Nacional Español de Cirugía Plástica. Marbella 1999
"Reconstrucción del pezón empleando una técnica nueva con 2 colgajos"
0. Villafañe , S. Southern , V. Ramakrishnan.
- 34º Congreso Nacional Español de Cirugía Plástica. Marbella 1999
"Nuevo injerto libre, Scarpa fascia"
0. Villafañe, S. Southern, V. Ramakrishnan.
- 35º Congreso Nacional Español de Cirugía Plástica. Canarias 2000
"Reconstrucción mandibular usando métodos cefalométricos"
0. Villafañe, D. Dunaway.
- 35º Congreso Nacional Español de Cirugía Plástica. Canarias 2000
"Reconstrucción mamaria usando el colgajo libre de la a. epigástrica inf. sup."
0. Villafañe, E. W. Mithoff, M. Webster.
- 35º Congreso Nacional Español de Cirugía Plástica. Canarias 2000
"Reconstrucción mamaria usando el colgajo DIEP libre. Secuelas pared abdom."
0. Villafañe, C. Futter, E. W. Mithoff, M. Webster.
- 36º Congreso Nacional Español de Cirugía Plástica. Mallorca 2001
"Colocación de implantes de silicona rugosos por vía axilar endoscópicamente
en un plano subglandular"
O. Villafañe, E. Tutor, I. Taggart
- 36º Congreso Nacional Español de Cirugía Plástica. Mallorca 2001
"Microcirugía en una unidad microquirírgica. ¿Dónde esta el límite?"
O. Villafañe, H.C. Chen, F.C. Wei.
- 36º Congreso Nacional Español de Cirugía Plástica. Mallorca 2001
"Microcirugía con una videocámara, un nuevo concepto"
O. Villafañe.
- 36º Congreso Nacional Español de Cirugía Plástica. Mallorca 2001
"Colgajo libre antero-lateral de la pierna; experiencia con 405 casos"
O. Villafañe, H.C. Chen, F.C. Wei.
- 10º Congreso Nacional de Microcirugía. Valladolid 2002
O. Villafañe.
- 37º Congreso Nacional Español de Cirugía Plástica. Oviedo 2002
"Colgajo libre Scarpa fascia (DIEAF)"
O. Villafañe, V. Ramakrishnan.
- I Curso de reconstrucción mamaria. San Sebastián, Octubre 2002
"Reconstrucción aureola-pezón con técnica propia"
O. Villafañe.
- I Curso de reconstrucción mamaria. San Sebastián, Octubre 2002
"Contracturas capsulares"
O. Villafañe.
- XXIV Congreso Nacional de Cirugía. Madrid, Noviembre 2002
"Reconstrucción mamaria con DIEP"
O. Villafañe.
- XVI Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Cirugía de la Mano
"Avances en cirugía plástica aplicada a la cirugía de la mano"
O. Villafañe.
- Participation in: 1ª Jornada Nacional de Consenso en Cirugía de Reimplante de Extremidades. Burgos, Noviembre 2011
Arranged by the Spanish Society of Microsurgery.
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Acording to his experience and CV, the Royal College of Surgeons of Glasgow selected Dr. Óscar Villafañe to work in the Plastic and Maxilofacial Surgery Unit of Taiwan, this is a unit with a worldwide prestige and well-known experience in Microsurgery.
GOLD MEDAL from FORO EUROPA 2001 for his extensive professional background (May 2015)
GOLD STAR of Professional Merit, from the Instituto para la Excelencia Profesional (March 2018)
Numerary Member of the Ilustre Academia de las Ciencias de la Salud Ramón y Cajal (April 2018)
Dr Villafañe was recently awarded the Cantábrico Excelente Prize by the publishing house El Suplemento (May 2018).
Dr. Óscar Villafañe has been a pioneer in the introduction of the endoscopy and videocamera in the microsurgery practice. The studies took place in the Minimally Invasive Therapy Unit in Leeds (UK).
National and International Societies
Spanish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery.
World Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery.
Spanish Society of Microsurgery.
Vasco-Navarra-Riojana-Aragonesa Society of Plastic Surgery.
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