Congreso Cono-SurAmericano de Cirugía Plástica. Buenos Aires, Noviembre 1995
"Técnica simplificada de septoplastia radical"
0. Villafañe, V. Venkataramakrishnan, P. Stanley.
British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons. Londres, Diciembre 1996
"Endoscopically assisted breast reconstruction"
V. Venkataramakrishnan, S. Southern, N. Hart, 0. Villafañe, P. O'Hare.
14th Congress International Microsurgical Societies
4th Congress European Federation of Societies for Microsurgery. Corfu 1998
0. Villafañe, S. Southern, V. Venkataramakrishnan.
British Association of Plastic Surgeons. Winter meeting (en asociación con
The Plastic Surgery Educational Foundation of U.S.A.) Londres 1998
"Video-microsurgery. A future alternative to the operating microscope?"
S. Southern, S. Venkataramakrishnan, 0. Villafañe, D. Sharpe.
British Association of Plastic Surgeons. Winter meeting (en asociación con
The Plastic Surgery Educational Foundation of U.S.A.) Londres 1998
"Surgical simulators; their role in surgical training"
S. Southern, 0. Villafañe, S. Venkataramakrishnan, D. Sharpe.
British Association of Plastic Surgeons. Summer meeting. Essex, Julio 1998
"Soft tissue endoscopy; basic principles, techniques and muscle flap harvest"
S. Southern, V. Venkataramakrishnan, 0. Villafañe.
British Breast Group meeting, Julio 1998
"Nipple reconstruction using Twin flap"
0. Villafañe, V. Venkataramakrishnan, S. Southern.
Congreso Escocés-Irlandés de Cirugía Plástica. Edimburgo, Noviembre 1998
"Nipple reconstruction. Twin flap"
0. Villafañe, S. Southern, V. Venkataramakrishnan, D. Sharpe.
British Burn Association. Congreso anual. East Grinstead, Abril 1999
"Aesthetic skin donor sites for burn contracture release"
0. Shelley, 0. Villafañe, S. Watson.
Congreso Escocés-Irlandés de Cirugía Plástica. Canniesburn, Octubre 1999
"Scarpa's fascia free flap"
0. Villafañe, S. Southern, V. Ramakrishnan.
Congreso Escocés-Irlandés de Cirugía Plástica. Canniesburn, Octubre 1999
"Video-microsurgery: a new tool"
0. Villafañe, S. Southern, V. Ramakrishnan.
Congreso Escocés-Irlandés de Cirugía Plástica. Canniesburn. Octubre 1999
"Endoscopy in Plastic Surgery"
B. Ashoor, 0. Villafañe, I. Taggart.
British Association of Plastic Surgeons. Winter meeting. Londres, Diciembre 1999
"Cephalometric planning of mandibular reconstruction"
0. Villafañe, D. Dunaway.
British Association of Plastic Surgeons. Winter meeting. Londres, Diciembre 1999
"Deep inferior epigastric adipofascial flap-Scarpa fascia flap II"
V. Ramakrishnan, S. Southern, 0. Villafañe.